Unlock your full potential and walk your Divine Path.

We have carefully created different ways to help you easily reach your goals in life. Here at Benuw, we emphasize practicality. We find it super important that all the spiritual and life teachings we share are easy to implement, so you can start living your new life immediatly.

We deeply believe in our products and services and we hope you enjoy and love them as much as we do.

(some links might not work yet, we are currently building the website)

We at Team BENUW are here to help you connect with your Higher Self and create a life beyond your dreams. We are intuitive guides that know how to quickly, practically and – most importantly – easily change your reality from the inside out.

With years of experience and successfully working with hundreds of clients, we know a way or two to let go of your issues and embrace a more positive, successful and loving life.

We are looking forward to guide you to make the changes you want to see in the world.

With love,
David and Marieke

Why should you choose to work with us?

At BENUW, we practice what we preach. We walk the walk and we live the talk. We might not be perfect, but we evolve ourselves every day.

Working with us means that you devote time to yourself, move past excuses to stay stuck and find new ways to love yourself more. This is what we teach: self-love, self-worth, self-respect, self-responsibility confidence and taking action accordingly.

Because we live our teachings, we know how hard this path often is. There are days when we struggle to surrender and some days we live our perfect life. It’s all about the ups and the downs. It’s not about pushing hard, but instead playing it smart. It’s not about being someone for the world, but being the one thing that truly matters for yourself.

We value the connection that you have with yourself, without doing crazy things that don’t work (even when those crazy things have become mainstream teachings – if it doesn’t work fast, we don’t teach it).

We value fun, love, creativity, freedom, balance and joy. And we teach you how to achieve these things, without crazy sacrifice or pushing hard. As Marieke likes to put it: ‘If it isn’t easy, it’s not for me.’ We help you do things the ‘smart’ way, instead of the ‘hard’ way. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get hard, it’s a different kind of hard.

Working with the BENUW Team means you are ready to travel to the marvelous world that lives inside of you. We definitly know the way and we are ready to give you a hand, to guide you through the inner adventure. When you are ready for a deep dive within, we are here for you.

A great way to get started is by joining our free community here.

The Next Step

Our courses are amazing and have helped hundreds of students move their lives from frustration and chaos, to more happiness and joy. And you can become one of those success stories too!

The reason why our courses are so magical, is because it’s more than just a course. We teach a way of life that you can start to live straight away. If you implement some of the teachings, you will create a new reality in no time. And if you implement it all, then the sky is no longer the limit.

Our courses have in depth teachings that are very layered and yet are super simple and practical to implement into your life. Most students go through the courses a couple of times because they keep finding new things to work on.

We also provide life-changing guided meditations with each course, that change your energy.

The combination of mindset AND energywork is absolutely magical. You receive the best of the material (mindset) and spiritual (energy) world, combined in each course.

And that’s not all! These courses provide teachings on both the human level and the soul level. They are designed to connect your human to your soul, to both eleveate your conciousness and to ground you to take aligned action. Many students have told us that soon after starting one of Marieke’s courses, she appeared to them in their dreams with further insights and keys.

If you aren’t sure if the courses are for you, we offer a 48 hours money back guarantee on most courses.

Discover our free courses in our free community, here.



Our books take you on a deep insighfull journey to the depths of yourself and the Collective. Some books share personal healing stories, others share in-depth energetic concepts that will blow your mind.

All content is carefully made in a way to make sure everyone can easily understand what is written and it is so practical that you can start to change your life immediatly.


Other Benuw services

Our Benuw coaches can do so much more for you! Feel free to contact us with your (spiritual or mindset) problem and we will get back to you with a possible road to take. Our experience is that every problem you have in your reality, can be fixed internally. And we are experts at fixing internal realities, instantly.

Situations we can help you move through:

  • Not being able to win or move up the ladder in competition (single and teamsports)
  • Moving through blocks in your body, emotions or mind, while performing (all arts, business, sports and/or other performances)
  • Problems in business with customers, clients, distribution, coworkers, investors, employees, buildings (stores, factories, office building, warehouses, hotels, farms, restaurants) and more
  • Issues with lack of confidence, doubting yourself, fear or stage fright
  • Strenghtening a team, – to become a more cohesive unit for optimal performance
  • Leaving an abusive relationship (privately or in business)
  • Sexual abuse
  • And much more

If you’ve tried all the things and it didn’t work, then this is a great option for you. Our coaches can look beyond the veil and energetically solve most of the issues presented.

If you have an issue in life that you haven’t been able to resolve yet and you really want a solution, chances are that we can help you. Feel free to reach out to us with a brief explanation of your situation and the result that you would like and we will get back to you with a possible road to take. Then it’s up to you to move forward or not.

We love to be at your service,

PS: We don’t shy away from taboo subjects or strange things. Talk aliens, abduction, sci-fi movie stuff that happens to you, we can handle it. Nothing is too absurd and we’d love to help you move forward from this.